Danudin's 2010 VPW Blog

Themed Photographs 2010

Possible Snow for Queensland

Posted by danudin on December 27, 2010

I got worried by the amount of Snow you people up North are getting so I went out and sprinkled Anti Snow Dust, Like I do with the Anti Elephant Dust (It works No Elephants for years) and just look what happened to the Anti Snow Dust!
















20 Responses to “Possible Snow for Queensland”

  1. KarenAnn said

    Those birds are so brilliantly beautiful or beautifully brilliant, whatever…How large a bird are they? Thanks for the effort in trying to moderate our snow!

  2. kimandrew said

    Gorgeous birds!!! And I love the “anti-snow dust” all over their beaks! LOL!

  3. Steven said

    I hope you realize how lucky you are to have those birds to photograph, Ron. Come and try to get some color out of a robin or sparrow! Nice to see the color of Down Under.

  4. Tammy McChesney said

    I think I have died and gone to Heaven…these are just spectacular…pleeeeeaaaaasssseeeee send some of those to me???

  5. Cathy said

    Colourful birds, very pretty too. Could you send me some anti-snow dust to bring home to Sweden please. From what I have heard, they have had loads more snow since we managed to get out of Europe.

  6. ~Val said

    Oh! More Lorikeets! I love these birds! 🙂

  7. victry1 said

    Gorgeous, Ron!! Too bad the dust didn’t work here in Jersey, tho. St least a foot if snow with blizzard conditions. Hubby spent over 4 hours trying to get into work-he was stuck in one spot. They told him to go home. LOL. The roads are all shut!!

  8. Mike said

    Are you sure that’s anti snow dust? I heard that the lorikeets eat their own……. oh I’ll stop there:) Those are good looking birds, can you have as a house pet?

  9. Greg said

    Love the lorikeets!! Beautiful birds.

  10. Bobbie said

    I *would* tell you how lovely those birds are and what stunning greens those are, but I won’t because *somebody* is gloating.

  11. PatB said

    ROFL… OMIG you are so funny. Anti-sow dust indeed, I wonder how many tons it would take to rid ourselves of the bloody stuff here. I sure enjoyed the laugh I got out of this post, too funny!

    Those birds are so beautiful; no wonder you are always in such a good mood living in all that colour. Love this image.

  12. Doris Pacheco said

    They are so beautiful, but they do look kind of greedy!! At least we don’t have snow where I live!

  13. Ellen said

    Don’t you have a cat named Snow? Does she make those chattery cat sounds at the lorikeets?

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